Leap Frog Wiki

Applecuckoo Applecuckoo 23 November 2024

workin' on some Pet Pals 2 model rips

welp, there were quite a few hurdles to do this but here we are! I present what may possibly be the first ever render of a model ripped straight from Pet Pals 2:

So, it looks like the model format was not as obscure as once thought - Chewy Software opted to use the Granny 3D engine by Epic Game Tools, formerly known as RAD Game Tools. The textures are already PNGs, so this wasn't too hard of a rip. I actually found this out while doing research on WayForward's LeapTV games, and quickly found out that the .GR2 format is off the shelf.

The real breakthrough was the fact that there happens to be a high-profile award winning game that opted to use the Granny engine for its 3D models. I'm not going to mention the name of said game, since the targ…

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Leap to the Rescue! (Fanon)

NOTE: This is a fanon page for a LeapFrog Special so it's in this blog, Thank you for reminding me to put my fanon ideas here, Nutbrown100 but this is also for you

LeapFrog Presents: Leap to the Rescue is a 2006 children's educational musical fantasy adventure traditionally animated direct to video special that it's DVD is hidden inside rare Leapster boxes for a limited time offer

The film follows Leap and his friends as they get ready for a big neighborhood party in Alphaville where each of Leap's friends are bringing their families along with them (and even Edison, Professor Quigley, Mr. Websley, and even some of the letters from The Letter Factory and characters who only originated from Leapster and LeapPad content make their animated ap…

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Fanmade Toy Ideas

We are gonna talk about fanmade LeapFrog toy ideas

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Tehsuparhackr Tehsuparhackr 3 August 2024

Tools For Virtuos Developed Leapfrog Games

Dr. RGB has developed a series of tools to help analyze games developed by Virtuos for various Leapfrog devices like the Explorer, and LeapTV.

It so far can only extract packages, but rapid development has been made.

This can be found here on GitHub. teh_supar_hackr (talk) 01:59, 3 August 2024 (UTC)

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CriselleDead CriselleDead 29 June 2024

Controversies in the title of the lullaby in the Z room...

People had been voting to make the poll equal in my recent DeviantArt poll. Is this really zingy to vote one of the titles just to make that dependable for Prof. Quigley's Letter Z Lullaby?


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Tehsuparhackr Tehsuparhackr 23 June 2024

Leapster Rom Format Reverse Engineering

Someone by the name of Dr. RNG has released an early version of a Python script which will let you extract different parts of the rom like SWF, or audio clips. View the script here. teh_supar_hackr (talk) 21:59, 23 June 2024 (UTC)

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Groovz Groovz 17 June 2024

What's a LeapPad book you wish was made?

For me it would be X-Men Evolution, because that show was popular around the same time as the LeapPad was.

Also, i'm kind of surprised that there isn't a single Power Rangers book, because that was popular around the same time as well, If i had to choose one series from that time frame, i would choose Time Force

What book do you wish was made? Type a comment about it.

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NutbrownFan100 NutbrownFan100 19 April 2024

How would you see me as an admin?

I'm learning to adopt this wiki, and I need your opinions about if you want me to be an admin here on this wiki or not.

Do you? Write a comment with your how you would think of me as an admin, alongside Groovz, since we are the wiki warriors.

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Groovz Groovz 16 April 2024

What would you think of me as an admin?

i am trying to adopt this wiki, and i need to get your opinion about if you want me to be an admin or not.

Do you? Write a comment with your thoughts.

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Groovz Groovz 22 March 2024

I've been on this Wiki for over a year!

Yes, March 21st 2024 marks the 1st anniversary of me joining this wiki! In that time, i've:

  • made 791 edits
  • made 39 pages
  • stopped 1 troll(while the war with another remains)
  • slimmed down several overly large, pointless filler packed pages
  • placed the delete template on several off topic pages

I'd like to thank NutbrownFan100 and Tehsuperhacker for helping me and being some of the best users on this wiki!

Just think where this wiki will be in another year!

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NutbrownFan100 NutbrownFan100 22 January 2024

Problems with pointless filler!

Hey, everyone.

I know this wiki is trying to become much better now. But there is a tiny problem: we have to stop adding pointless filler to pages! As for me, I NEVER add some pointless filler on every page. Be focused on each page, keep it LeapFrog related.

Also, we have to keep working on the wiki in a very good way, as we always should. Good luck!


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Stoucca Stoucca 28 November 2023

Word Launch Pictures

The Word Launch page needs more pictures of the game. If anyone has, or can buy the Word Launch Game, could you provide some screen shots of the games and every letter in the game. It would be really helpful.

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NutbrownFan100 NutbrownFan100 15 May 2023

More Audio Files Needed

Hi, everyone. (Sorry for the double blog)

I have been adding audio files for respective song pages and music pages, as well as the song lyric pages, but we need more LeapFrog-related voice clips, musical sound audios, background music audios, sound effect audio clips to respective pages. If you guys have any MP3 clips, you can post them to Archive or Google Drive and let me know in the blog comments.

NutbrownFan100 (talk) 05:13, 15 May 2023 (UTC)

Update September 22: It's working! The audio files are coming in (just like with JumpStart Wiki)... we are doing great! Let's keep up the good editing.

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NutbrownFan100 NutbrownFan100 15 May 2023

Request to be an Admin

Hi, all. I have been contributing to this wiki for a while. I want to know if you are fine with me becoming an admin on this wiki. There are also many off-topic pages needed to be deleted and such.

NutbrownFan100 (talk) 05:09, 15 May 2023 (UTC)

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Tehsuparhackr Tehsuparhackr 13 April 2023

Request To Adopt The LeapFrog Wiki

Hey all, I have been contributing to this wiki for a while now and was wanting to know if you would all be fine with me becoming an admin on this wiki. If you'd like to know how I am at being an admin you can look at my VTech Wiki profile as I'm an active admin on there. teh_supar_hackr (talk) 02:29, 13 April 2023 (UTC)

Update, I have become temporary Admin for the next 30 days! teh_supar_hackr (talk) 20:29, 20 April 2023 (UTC)
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Groovz Groovz 23 March 2023

Request to adopt this wiki

I would like to adopt this wiki since there aren’t any active admins and there are a lot of off-topic pages that need to be deleted.

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LunaMouse23 LunaMouse23 31 July 2021

Wiki Adoption


Since this wiki has been without an active administrator for over a decade, I'm requesting to the adopt the wiki. There are dozens of off-topic pages that need attention, as well as updating the wiki's formatting. As per Fandom's guidelines, I'm creating this blogpost so current editors may share their thoughts.

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Justin Noe2010 Justin Noe2010 2 September 2020

ok so i have a question

why is there so many off-topic leapfrog things in here? i thought there were suppost to be leapfrog things in this wiki only...

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Wikilover45 Wikilover45 22 June 2020


How can you tell if a Leapster has Learning with Leap built in? Because as a kid, I used to have a Leapster (a green one with the old early 2000's logo on it, aka the one with the hopping frog) that has it built in, but I don't have it anymore. I plan on getting it from eBay in the future, but with said game built in.

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Sannse Sannse 14 April 2020

How can we help?

Hi, I'm Sannse one of the Fandom staff team. We've been looking at some of the wikis that are currently categorized as "Lifestyle". We would like to move away from lumping together so many varied wikis, and give them a more accurate category. In your case, we have classified this wiki as "Collectibles".

The hope is that with wikis grouped into smaller more focused groups, we can give better and more personalized support. For example, we can give help with wiki design, advice on search engine optimization, and generally just be around for any questions and other needs you have.

We have a short survey that will help us understand what your needs are, and where we can best focus to help you keep building your wiki. I hope you'll participate and…

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Allan Bigtas Allan Bigtas 31 March 2020

Talking Words Factory

Why do all the colors of other letters change to the first color of the beginning letter?

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AwsomeFluttershy AwsomeFluttershy 20 October 2017

Scout's Pirate Adventure (LeapPad2 differences)

The title appears on the pail.

Penny doesn't say "Ahoy!", instead she says "Avast!"

Scout doesn't say "Look over there!"

Frank gives Itchy the bottle.

Eli turns to Timmy with a toothy frown.

The part when Frank and Squiggy land on the Jolly-Belly is cut.

The fish Scout holds in his paw is a different one.

Betsy says "Ahoy!" instead of "Land, ho!"

Penny doesn't ask Frank to use one of his feathers to tickle the giant clam.

Freddy doesn't knock on the oysters.

Seabreeze puts the pearls on the ground.

After the end scene irises out, the LeapPad2 automatically turns off.

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