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Leap into Learning
Leap Into Learning
Publication date September 29, 1999
Published by LeapFrog
Learning Content Reading
Type LeapPad

Leap into Learning was the default sampler book for LeapPads from September 1999 to September 28, 2001. This interactive book does not require a cartridge and is the very first book for the LeapPad Learning System on the launch day.


Title Chapter Subject Curriculum Notes
Lil's Loose Tooth Lil's Loose Tooth Phonics Development Short vowels
At the Playground Excerpts from Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever Vocabulary Development Playground vocabulary
Parts of the Body Excerpts from Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever Vocabulary Development Body part names
Disney's Winnie the Pooh: A Sweet Good Morning Disney's Winnie the Pooh: A Sweet Good Morning Reading Development Reading
Sections of the Band Our Town Band Music Musical Instruments
All Together Now: Percussion, Brass, and Woodwind Sections Our Town Band Music Musical Instruments
The United States of America Leap Into... Geography United States Scrapped off in the UK Version
The Human Skeleton Leap Into... Science The Skeleton
Fun With Languages: Things We Do At Home Leap Into... Foreign Languages Languages
The Paper Piano Leap Into... Music Keyboard/Musical Instruments/Music Theory


In Other Languages/International[]

Language Titles in That Language Literally Translated As: Notes
English (original) Leap into Learning NONE NONE
French Lance Toi Dans L'Apprentissage Leap into Learning The United States of America is replaced with a map of France.
Italian (in collboration with Clementoni) Imparare Giocando Learning Fun The United States of America is replaced with a map of Italy.
English (UK) Leap into Learning NONE The content is the same as the original English version, but with the UK counterparts for some words and takes off The United States of America.


See Leap into Learning/Credits


  • The British version cuts off the United States of America page, shortening it to 30 pages (instead of 32 in the original USA version). Also, the original USA voice cast is replaced with the British voice actors and actresses (including David Bamber (Storyteller), Susan Sheridan (Leap) and Emma Tate (Lily and Tad) for the pages with Leap, Lily, and Tad).
    • The LeapPad Pro version does this too, cutting it much shorter to 10 pages (excluding Lil's Loose Tooth, Excerpts from Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever, and Disney's A Sweet Good Morning). A different title for this has the same version and more interactive books with cartridges.
  • The voice actors are replaced with the British voice actors/actresses for those who have a British-English accent; these include David Bamber (Storyteller), Susan Sheridan (Leap) and Emma Tate (Lily and Tad) for the pages with Leap, Lily, and Tad.
  • This is the first time that Leap, Lily, Tad, or the narrator breaks the fourth wall.
Leap Into Learning
Lil's Loose Tooth | Excerpts from Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever (At the Playground | Parts of the Body) | Disney's A Sweet Good Morning | Our Town Band (Sections of the Band | All Together Now: Percussion, Brass, and Woodwind Sections) | Leap Into... (The United States of America | The Human Skeleton | Things We Do at Home | The Paper Piano)