This page has the transcript for the video Learn to Read at the Storybook Factory.
Prologue: Exterior
Tad: Uh, uh, uh, uh, oh. How am I supposed to read this?
Lily: Now Tad, I want you to say your lines nice and loud!
Parker: (first lines) Lily, why can I be one of the three little pigs? I'm a natural! (snorts)
Lily: Parker, as the director, I've already decided who will play the pigs!
Parker: But my tail is naturally curly!
Tim: (first lines) You heard her, Parker! Lily is the director, and she's in charge! And the director needs your very own director's chair!
Lily: Why thank you, Tim! How considerate of you! (sighs)
Parker: Oh, please!
Lily: Dan, Della, Casey, are you ready?
Dan, Della and Casey: (first lines) All set, Miss Director! (oinking)
Parker: Ah, sure. Go ahead! You just see how hard it is to be a pig!
Tim: It's better this way, Parker. Now we can play!
Lily: Okay, Tad, please read your lines!
Dot: (first lines) You can do it, Tad! (She waves her hand)
Tad: Um, Lily, I can't be the wolf. These ears don't fit me. You give it a try, Dot!
Dot: Little pig, little pig, let me in!
Tad: Wow! You made a great wolf!
Dot: Thank you, Taddy-waddy!
Lily: Hmm. Okay, come up on stage, Dot!
Tad: (looks on the tree) Oh, that was a close one! (He puts his cap on.)
Leap: That's okay, Tad! All of us were a little nervous when we first started reading.
(A car drove to the Frog house and a dog driver opens the door of the car. Mr. Websley comes out of it.)
Mr. Websley: (quacking) Just look at the time! If my watch is slow, then Della is late! And my watch is NEVER slow! Della! DELLA!!!!!
(Mr. Websley looks upon the gate at the kids)
Mr. Websley: What are those kids up to now? (He reaches up the gate, but fails.)
Dot: (off-screen) I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!
Dan, Della and Casey: No! No! Not by the hair of our chimney chin chin! (oinking)
Mr. Websley: Why, they're doing the story of the (quacks) three little pigs! I remember that story. Reading was so magical.
Mr. Websley: (as he opens the gate) A-ha!
Leap and Friends: Mr. Websley?!
Della: Oh, dad!
Mr. Websley: And there were all those other stories I read, I can go anywhere and be anyone.
(the "It's Magical" song starts)
Mr. Websley:
♪ It's magic! It's magic to me. ♪
♪ Reading stories is magical, you'll see. ♪
♪ You could drive a fire engine, ♪
♪ Create a new invention. ♪
♪ You could fly around the moon, in a magical balloon. ♪ (with Dan and the girls)
♪ It's magic! It's magic, indeed. ♪
Rest of the boys:
♪ Reading stories is magical, we see. ♪
♪ We could sail across the sea. ♪
♪ Or ballerinas we could be. ♪
Dot and the rest of the boys:
♪ We could ride the whole prairie at night, ♪
♪ We'd sleep beneath the tree. ♪
Mr. Websley:
♪ It's magic! ♪
♪ It's magic! ♪
Mr. Websley:
♪ Reading stories, ♪
♪ It's magic! ♪
Mr. Websley and Kids:
♪ And that's the reason why (3x) ♪
♪ We love to read! ♪
Mr. Websley: ♪ Quack, quack! ♪♪
(the "It's Magical" song ends)
Mr. Websley: Wait! (quacks, the phone beeps) Frog, Quigley, Websley here. The children have given me my (quacks) greatest idea ever! I've got a marvelous idea for capturing the magic of reading! We're going to create a talking storybook for kids by kids. Hmm, but what should the first story be about?
Kids: The Three Little Pigs!
Mr. Websley: Wait! I know! (quacks) The kids here will perform the Three Little Pigs to go in our storybook…
Kids: (cheering, including Tad who can't read)
Mr. Websley: …and Tad will be the one to read it!
Tad: No, not me. I'm not ready to read.
Leap: Don't worry, Tad! We'll all be here to help you!
Mr. Websley: And then, Quigley, you will figure out someway to turn it all into a talking storybook!
Professor Quigley: A storybook that talks? Well, what a wonderful invention to build an invent!
Mr. Websley: This idea is bigger than Kwakatowa. We'll need a whole new factory, and Frog, it has to be built as soon as possible, er, perhaps sooner.
Entering The Storybook Factory
The Singing Sign Letters: The Storybook Factory!
Professor Quigley: Come on, kids! Let's go inside!
(Mr. Frog, Mr. Websley and the kids go inside)
Kids: (except Dan) Wow!
Mr. Websley: Not bad!
Kids: Wow!
Old robot: (clears throat) Pardon me, Professor Q.?
Professor Quigley: Oh, this is Trixie, a makeup robot I just invented. What seems to be the problem, Trixie?
Trixie: Well, with makeup for a wolf, three pigs, and who knows what else? I'm gonna need some help!
Mr. Websley: Quigley, Mr. Clock says tick tock, tick tock! Not chitchat, chitchat!
Trixie: Oh, that's talamem! I like your style, cutie!
Mr. Websley: (quacks) Cutie?
Lily: I have an idea! Parker will help Trixie put on the actors' makeup!
Parker: Yeah, okay, whatever.
Mr. Websley: Good girl, Lily!
Lily: Tim, you'll make the sound effects, and Leap, you can handle the special effects!
Leap: Okey-dokey-artichokey! Won't this be cool, Tim?
Tim: (saying it wrong) Sounds more like work to me!
Leap: No, it'll be fun! Just look through the script to the kinds of sound you'll need to make! Gotta go!
Tim: That'll take forever! There's gotta be some easy way to do this. (looks into a box of objects) Wait a minute! I can use this stuff! Cool!
Making the Story
(Trixie polishes Mr. Frog, Dan, Della and Casey)
Trixie: When I'm finished, you will be such pretty piggies!
Lily: Places, everyone! Let's start the show! Here's your script, Tad!
Tad: Ugh... Ugh... I'm supposed to read all this?! Oh, I'm getting a tummy ache.
Trixie: Let's get going, Parker!
Parker: Aw, man! (snorts)
Trixie: Parker, honey, put globs of glue on those pig noses and make it fast, sweetie!
(Mr. Frog, Dan, Della and Casey murmuring)
Professor Quigley: Follow me! The control room is right this way, Mr. Websley!
Parker: Oh, you want fast? (He puts down the pig noses) I can do fast! (painting the glue on the pig noses) Pig noses are ready, pick up your noses!
(the camera moves in)
Lily: There! The camera is in position! All we need are the costumes, Professor!
Professor Quigley: Customizer into place, please!
(A customizer changes Casey, Della and Dan into the Three Little Pigs, then changes Mr. Frog into a guardsman)
Mr. Frog: (grunts)
Professor Quigley: Hmm, that's not right.
(The customizer changes Mr. Frog into a bunny, an astronaut, and Professor Quigley)
Professor Quigley: (puffs twice) Someone must've spilled salt on these buttons!
(The customizer changes Mr. Frog into The Pigs' mother)
Lily: We can't have delays like this! We've got to get going!
Tad: Can't one of your inventions do the reading for me?
Professor Quigley: But Tad, you already know everything you need to read!
Tad: We do?
Professor Quigley: Sure. (scenes taking to Letter Factory and Talking Words Factory) You remember what you learned at the Letter Factory and the Talking Words Factory, don't you?
Tad: Sure. I learned the letters their first sounds and sounds make words. (scene taking place to Talking Words Factory, building the word "FUN")
Offscreen Kids: FUN!
Professor Quigley: (scene shifts back to the control room) And when you put the right words together, they make stories. Come on, you can do it!
Tad: Once… Upon…
Professor Quigley: Once upon a time.
Tad: Once upon a time. Gee, that's a pretty good start, isn't it?
Professor Quigley: Ha ha! Indeed! A good beginning of the story and a great start for you, Tad!
Lily: On with the show in three, two, one!
("The Three Little Pigs" starts on screen.)
Tad: Once upon a time…
Professor Quigley: There…
Tad: Was… A… H-ou-se. House!
Leap: Very good, Tad! But don't stop there! There was a house... Where… the… Pig… Family… lived.
Professor Quigley: I couldn't have read it better myself! In the house...
Tad: Wait, wait! Let me try reading it myself, Professor!
Leap: If you need any help, I'm right here!
Tad: In… the… house… there... was… a… mama… pig.
Leap: You've got every word single right, Tad!
Professor Quigley: Now, try saying them just like you were talking to us!
Tad: In the house, there was a mama pig.
Leap: Yes! Putting the words together like that is called chunking!
Professor Quigley: And that's some very good chunking indeed!
Leap: And that's just how you should read it!
Professor Quigley: Show 'em what we need, Leap.
(the "Reading's Just Like Talking" song starts)
Some words are meant to stick together, in groups like once upon a time. You think those words were friends forever, they even start to rhyme.
Leap and Tad:
It's just like talking, that's the way to read. Group the words together and you'll soon succeed.
There was once a sentence I read, in a book that I kept by my bed. When I spoke all the words, it was talking I heard, or it sounded that way in my head.
(laughing) That was some pretty fast talking, Leap. I don't think I can read that fast yet, but I'm getting the idea!
Some words are meant to stick together, in groups like happily ever after. Those words are friends in many weather, like pals who share our joke and laughter.
Leap and Tad:
It's just like talking, that's the way to read. Group the words together and you'll soon succeed. Group the words together and you'll soon, suc-ceed.
(the "Reading's Just Like Talking" song ends)
Professor Quigley: Way to go, Tad! Now, uh, where were we?
Tad: In the house, there was a mama pig. I did it, Professor! I did it!
Professor Quigley: See? It just takes a little practice.
Tad: In the house, there was a mama pig and there were three little pigs.
Mr. Frog, Dan, Della and Casey: (snorting)
Mr. Frog: (gasps)
Dan: Huh?
Casey: Huh?
Della: Huh?
Mr. Websley: What's the (quacks) meaning of this?
Lily: Trixie, what's going on down there?
Trixie: (imitates Lola Bunny) Sorry, doll. Let's just say, Parker was a little hasty with the pasty.
Parker: Okay, okay! I'll take my time and do it right!
Lily: (sighs) That's something we'll have to fix later. Let's just keep moving!
Tad: One day, the three little pigs left home to see the world.
Professor Quigley: Excellent, Tad! You're doing great! But remember, read it like it's just you and me here and we're just talking like this! One day, the three little pigs left home to see the world.
Tad: One day, the three little pigs left home to see the world.
(Parker glues the pig nose with paint to Mr. Frog)
Parker: There! That should be enough glue, Mr. Frog.
(Mr. Frog rushed into the stage and gets a tissue, then he cries)
Trixie: That'll do, pig. That'll do.
Pig #1: What's the matter, Mama?
Pig #2: It is time we leave home. Parting is such sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet sorrow.
Casey: Come on you two, we've got to go.
Mr. Frog: Wait! I have something for each of you.
Lily: Tim, here comes the first sound effect! Are you ready, Tim?
Tim: (snoring)
Lily: (off-screen) Tim? Tim!
Tim: Wha?! Uh, don't worry, I'm ready with the sounds!
(Tim honks a bicycle horn, blows a whistle, and bangs the cymbals)
Lily: (laughing) Very funny, Tim! But those sound effects don't sound right to me! (laughs more) Didn't you read the script?
Tim: Uh, script?
’Mama Pig: Spend the coins to build yourselves a house so you'll be safe from the Big Bad Wolf!
(The pigs gasp)
Tad: The three little, pigs kissed their, mama, and waved good-bye. Hmm, that didn't sound right, did it, Professor?
Professor Quigley: Here's a helpful tip for you, Tad! Did you know that when you read, the sentence shows you how to say it right?
Tad: Get outta town!
Professor Quigley: No, really? Sentences have something called punctuation that tells you how to read it.
Tad: Uh, punctuation?
Professor Quigley: Yes, Tad! For instance, this is a comma! When you see one of these little guys, pause for a moment before going on. And this is a period! (American voice using the British word) When you see one of these, the sentence is over and you come to a full stop! It's easy!
(Professor Quigley uses his imagination when his eyes swirl into a drum set)
(the "Punctuation Rock" song starts)
Leap, Lily, Tad and Professor Quigley:
♪ Punk-punk-punk-punctuation. (2x) ♪
Professor Quigley:
♪ When there's a comma, you should pause, for a beat. A period means that the sentence is complete. ♪
Leap and Lily:
(English voice) Full stop!
Leap, Lily, Tad and Professor Quigley:
♪ Punk-punk-punk-punctuation. (2x) ♪
Professor Quigley:
♪ You've ever been hung up by a question mark. ♪
Question Mark:
Have ya?
Professor Quigley:
Or an exclamation to make your point.
Leap, Lily, Tad, and Professor Quigley:
We're gonna rock this joint!
♪ Punk-punk-punk-punctuation. (2x) ♪
Professor Quigley:
Leap, Lily, Tad, and Professor Quigley:
♪ Punk-punk-punk-punctuation. (2x) ♪♪
Professor Quigley:
(the "Punctuation Rock" song ends)
(Professor Quigley's imagination ends when the drum set swirls back to his eyes)
Tad: Oh, this I gotta try. The three little pigs kissed their mama and waved good-bye.
Pigs: Good-bye, Mama!
Mama Pig: And remember, watch out for the Big Bad Wolf.
(The story closes)
Building a Straw House
Tad: I'm not so nervous about reading anymore, Professor!
Professor Quigley: Good! Now, can you tell me what's happening in the story so far?
Tad: Oh yes! Three little pigs need to build their own houses to stay safe from the Big Bad Wolf! I like little pig #3 best!
Professor Quigley: In every story there are people or animals like the three pigs! That the story is about! They are called characters!
Tad: Char-characters?
Professor Quigley: Characters! Can you name all the characters in the story so far?
Tad: Well, Mama Pig is a character!
Mama Pig: Hello.
Tad: And so is out for little pig #1, little pig #2, and little pig #3.
Professor Quigley: Yep! Three characters, if ever I see them!
Tad: Look, Professor! There's another comma where I'll pause for a moment, and there's a period. That's where the sentence ends, so I'll stop.
Professor Quigley: Amazing! You did all by yourself! You looked ahead to see what punctuation was coming.
(The story opens)
Tad: After walking all day the three little pigs stopped to rest.
Pig #1: Oh, I've got to rest. My dogs are barking.
Pig #2: We've gone so, so far. I've got a big, big headache. Wow! Does my head hurt.
Pig #1: Let's build our houses quickly so we can play. You dig, pig?
Pig #2: Oh, what a great, wonderful idea. You are a genius!
Pig #1: (singsong) Thank you!
(Pigs #2 and #3 let out their simultaneous snorts)
Lily: Is the Straw Salesman ready, Trixie?
Trixie: Uh, Houston, we have a problem. This time, Parker put too much glue on Mr. Frog's pig nose and now it won't come off.
Parker: (grunts)
Tim: Ah! Parker, your face fell off!
Parker: What are you talking about, Tim?
Straw Salesman: Straw for sale! Get your fresh straw here!
Pig #1: That's for me! I'm going totally organic for my house. I'll buy all that you have and make my house out for straw.
Lily: Get ready, Tim, here comes another sound effect!
Tim: Way ahead, Lily.
(Tim plays a triangle, puts it away and the Straw Salesman runs off when dropping Pig #1's straw)
Pig #1: All right! This will be perfect.
Tad: And so the first little pig was ready to build his house out of straw. Look, Professor! When I read the word straw, it means the straw in the story. See?
Professor Quigley: That's one of the best things about reading, Tad. The words help you see the story!
Building a Stick House
(The customizer changes Mr. Frog into the Stick Salesman as he wears a disguise)
(Trixie polishes Mr. Frog)
Trixie: I've got three words for you, sweetie pie: gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
Tad: Then it was time for the second little pig to buy materials to build her house.
Stick Salesman: Sticks for sale! Sticks for sale! Get your fresh sticks here!
Pig #2: Oh! I'll buy all that you have and make my house out of (sings operatically) sticks!
Lily: Get ready, Tim, here comes another sound effect!
(Tim rings a bell, which breaks apart)
(Sticks land on the ground from the yellow wheelbarrow)
Pig #2: This will be perfect!
Tad: And so the second little pig was ready to build her house out of sticks.
Building a Brick House
(The customizer changes Mr. Frog into a Brick Salesman)
(Trixie holds a mirror after polishing Mr. Frog)
Trixie: You're good to go!
Tad: Then it was time for the third little pig to buy materials to build her house.
Brick Salesman: (renaissance voice) Bricks for sale! Get your fresh bricks here!
Pig #3: I'll buy all that you have and make my house out of bricks!
Lily: Get ready, Tim, here comes another sound effect!
(Tim plays a didgeridoo, making Casey yelp, then Mr. Frog drops the bricks down by tilting the wagon)
Pig #1: Let's do this really fast so we can play.
Pig #2: I'm with you, Brother Pig.
(Pig #1 builds the straw house)
Pig #1: There! That's good, enough.
Pig #3: Brother Pig! You should take your time and build a stronger house.
(Pig #1 gets mad for Pig #3 saying to take his time. Meanwhile, Pig #2 builds a house of sticks)
Pig #2: There! That's good, enough.
(Pig #3 comes after Pig #2 building the house of sticks.)
Pig #3: Little Sister Pig, you shouldn't hurry through everything.
(Pig #1 comes)
Pig #1: You don't know what you're talking about.
Pig #2: You are just jealous because we are (sings operatically) finished!
(Pig #1 smiles and nodding yes)
Pig #1: Let's play.
(Pigs #1 and #2 dancing as the play zooms out)
Tad: (laughs) I think something bad is gonna happen.
Professor Quigley: Why do you say that, Tad?
Tad: Well, the older piggy warned the other piggies not to rush so much, she must know something they don't.
(Pig #3 starts to build her house)
Pig #3: I'm going to take my time and build an even stronger house.
(Pig #3 goes to work on building her house out of bricks, with The LeapFrog Learning Overture playing in the background)
Big Bad Wolf
Lily: Okay, Professor, brings in Dot's wolf costume!
(Trixie polishes Dot with her wolf ears appearing)
Dot: Do I look scary, Trixie?
Trixie: Very, very scary!
Dot: Oh, goody.
(The customizer changes Dot into a Wolf)
Pig #3: My home is finished! Now I'm ready to play. Oh, no! The Big Bad Wolf!
Lily: Time for the lighting special effect, Leap! (Leap turns on a spotlight behind Dot, forming her shadow.)
Tad: When the three little pigs saw Big Bad Wolf, (The wolf growls, making the pigs gasp.) they ran into their houses.
(The pigs run into the straw, stick, and brick houses respectively, slamming their doors one by one as they do so.)
Tad: Oh boy, the story reading is getting exciting!
Lily: Leap, get ready for the wind special effect!
Leap: Ready to give it a spin, Ms. Director!
Tad: First, the Big Bad Wolf went to the straw house.
Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in!
Pig #1: (smiling) No, no! Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!.
Wolf: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!
Lily: Hit it, Leap!
(Leap turns on a small fan, blowing the straw house away.)
Pig #1: Uh-oh… (He runs into the stick house and closes its door, as the wolf jumps over to it.)
Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in!
Pig #2: (scared) "No, no! Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!"
Wolf: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!
Lily: Go, Leap!
(Leap pushes in a larger fan and turns it on. The stick house gets blown away, making Dan and Della gasp and yelp. They run into the brick house and close its door, as Dot gallops over to it.)
Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in!"
Pig #3: (excitedly) No, no! Not by hair of my chinny chin chin!
Wolf: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!
(Leap wheels in a giant fan and turns it on. The brick house is very strong, it does not get blown away.)
Pigs: (singing Ring Around a Rosy and snort together)
Tad: I told you little pig #3 knew what she's doing. She didn't rush and everything worked out just fine.
Parker: Ohh, looky here. (he finds a soccer ball in the object box) Hey… my work is all done, Tim. Let's play! (grunting) (speaks in third-person) And the crowd goes wild as Parker Pig kicks the winning goal! Argh!
(Tim grabs the ball, though he bumps into the fan, making its speed go quicker)
Tim: Waa!
(The three start floating in the air by the fan's strong winds.)
Leap, Parker, and Tim: Uh-oh, whoa!
Wolf: Oooh... ahh! (She tries to stay on the ground; unfortunately, she gets sent flying too. However, Pig #1 catches his sister and closes the brick house's door.)
Leap, Parker, and Tim: (getting blown around the stage) Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoa!
Mr. Websley: (quacks) That's not in this story! That's in "The Wizard of Oz"!
Lily: It's okay. We can fix it… I hope.
(The enormous fan turns, making its strong winds blow into the director's room. Lily, Tad, Mr. Websley, and Professor Quigley scream as they float.)
Tad: No! Not the script!!
Professor Quigley: No-ho-ho! Not the professor!
Mr. Websley: Oh, oh!
Lily: This may put us a little behind schedule.
(Leap struggles to get to the fan, though its winds are very strong. Despite this, he keeps it up until he finally approaches its controls.)
Leap: Al-most… there!
(He turns off the fan, making everybody fall down to the ground. They all groan as they struggle to get up)
Trixie: Help! Professor Q, help!
Professor Quigley: Help? What seems to be the problem?
Trixie: I'm all turned around!
Mr. Websley: Please, allow me. (he fixes her)
Trixie: Ohhh! My hero!
(Trixie kisses Mr. Websley)
Mr. Websley: (blushing) Uh, madam… please!
Leap: Whoa, man!
Tim: Did you see that?
Parker: I was flying. (The soccer ball lands on Parker's head.) Ow! Hey… are we finished here yet?
Lily: I'm afraid so, Parker. Nothing's left. We lost everything.
All: Aww!
Mr. Websley: What?!
Tad: No, we haven't. (he picks up a pig's nose and places it on Pig #2, making her smile)
(the "We Still Got The Story" the pitch 2 song starts)
(speaking) We still got the story, and that's all we really need! Come on, you guys.
♪ We come this far together, ♪
♪ We're getting to the most exciting part. ♪
♪ A story doesn't end right in the middle, ♪
♪ We need to finish what we started at the start. ♪
♪ We can lead to the end, ♪
Tad and Wolf: ♪ 'cause we still got what matters. ♪
Leap, Tad and Wolf: ♪ The story, we still got the story. ♪
Leap: ♪ We can finish our tale, ♪
Lily: ♪ Though the pages are tattered. ♪
Kids: ♪ The story, we still got the story. ♪
Mr. Websley: So let's wrap it all up.
Mr. Frog: I know we can do it.
Professor Quigley: We have what we need.
Leap, Lily and Tad: Come on, let's get to it!
All: ♪ Once the story's begun, ♪
♪ You know the show must go on. ♪
♪ We've got the story, let's finish the story now! ♪♪
(the "We Still Got The Story" pitch 2 song ends)
Tad: So if we take our time and work as hard as the third little pig, we can finish Mr. Websley's storybook.
Mr. Websley: My boy, you're quack-solutely right!
Tad: Everyone, to your places!
Lily: Here we go, Tad! Everybody in five… four… three… two…
Professor Quigley: You can do it, Tad. I just know it!
Lily: …one!
Tad: The The Big Bad Wolf couldn't blow the brick house down. So he tried a different way to get inside.
Professor Quigley: Keep it up, Tad. I just love a good story.
Tad: The wolf was going to jump down the chimney!
Pig #3: Quick! Fill a big pot of water!
Pig #2: Genius! Wolves just hate wet fur.
Lily: Okay, Leap! Here comes your last special effect! Do you have the wolf doll?
Leap: Sure do, Lil! One fake wolf, coming down!
Wolf: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
(Wolf, Tim and Parker laughing as the soggy doll hits the ceiling and the ground)
Pig #1: We should've taken our time and build a strong house like you did.
Pig #2: We just wanted to play around instead of doing our work.
Wolf: Hmm... You guys are just like the characters in the story.
Tim: Yeah, you're right.
Parker: Sorry.
Tad: The pigs never saw the Big Bad Wolf again. And they lived happily ever after.
("The Three Little Pigs" book closes one last time)
Lily: Okay, crew. That's a wrap.
Ending The Storybook Factory
(The pigs cheer, running right)
(The wolf jumps and Parker and Tim high five, running left with the wolf)
Tim: Right on.
Trixie: (with Mr. Websley sighing silently and baritone men cheering in the background) Yay!
(Trixie grabs Mr. Websley in her arms)
Lily: Yay!
Professor Quigley: Tad, your reading was spectacular!
Mr. Websley: He saved the day and my talking storybook.
Everyone: (who jump; except Trixie who walks) Yeah!
Lily: Way to go, Tad!
Mr. Websley: (quacks) I can't wait to see what the three little pigs storybook looks and sounds like. QUIGLEY!!!!!!
Professor Quigley: It's almost ready, Mr. Websley! Just need to fix all the, uh, mistakes.
(The Fix-It-In-Post Erator machine fixes all of the mistakes that was wrong to right, then handed to Professor Quigley)
Professor Quigley: All fixed.
Mr. Websley: Beautiful! The pictures are quack-tacular!
Professor Quigley: And just listen.
Tad: (on talking storybook) Once upon a time, there was a house where the pig family lived.
Tad: That's me! That's me reading! (The "Storybook Finale" song starts)
♪ First I learned to read, just word by word. ♪
♪ Every word alone. ♪
♪ But some words stick together like best of friends forever, ♪
Much better when they're not alone.
The words are put together,
In sentences and such.
Then they all become a story,
And the story means so much!
Mr. Frog, Professor Quigley, and Mr. Websley:
♪ All you need is a story, you see, ♪
Kids: (as themselves without their costumes)
♪ Because a story is magical indeed. ♪
Mr. Websley:
You can imagine all the scenery,
♪ The houses and the greenery. ♪
Professor Quigley:
♪ The character's so real, ♪
♪ You can feel the way they feel. ♪
Mr. Frog and Mr. Websley:
♪ All you need is a story to read, ♪
Professor Quigley:
(speaks) Just try it! ♪ I'm sure you will succeed. ♪
Tad and Parker:
♪ The words on every page, ♪
♪ In your mind become a stage… ♪
Because reading is magic!
♪ And I know that once you start… ♪
♪ The magic happens in your mind… ♪
♪ And… heart!!! ♪♪
Oh yeah! (the "Storybook Finale" song ends)
Mr. Websley: Oh, thank you. Thank you for making my dream come true! Eh… I said, "Thank you." (quacks) Where did everybody go?!
Giant: Fee fi… Fo fum… I smell… The feet of the Englishman?
Jack: Huh? That doesn't sound right.
Giant: We need help from the director.
Lily: Well, what do you say, Mr. Director?
Tad: Don't forget to pause where there are commas, Dot. Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell the feet of an Englishman.
Leap: Jack and the Beanstalk is going to be a great play.
Lily: And Tad is going to be a great director.
Tad: Okay, everybody! Let's take it from the top.
(Fade to black)