Math Adventure to the Moon is a DVD by LeapFrog Enterprises released on February 23, 2010. and produced in 2009.
Tad and Lily need the perfect collection of things to take to school for their math assignment. When they finally decide on moon rocks, there's just one problem - how will they get them? With some magical help from their firefly friend, Edison, they board a rocket ship to start their quest. Soon the twins learn that math is everywhere, even in outer space! Watch as they use their skills in counting, sorting, skip counting and recognizing patterns to overcome obstacles, find new friends and make the trip back to Earth!
The video begins with Tad finding ten items for his math assignment as Lily finds 10 worms in the jar. Tad decided to count his items, but he miscounted his items. Lily decided to count her jar of worms, but she miscounted the wrong. Then suddenly, Edison appears in his race car and drives around the room, Edison explains to Tad & Lily about Math as he gave Tad a telescope. They walked to the window and Tad looks at the store with his telescope as the song "Math Is Everywhere" begins to play.
Lily tells Edison that they need 10 items for their math assignment, Tad decided that the need moon rocks from the moon. So the twins grabbed their stuff as Edison pulled out a learning stone. Edison throws a stone and Lily catches it with her feet. The stone turns into a path and a portal appears, Tad & Lily ran into the portal as Edison follows them while singing "The Learning Path Song".
- This is the first video not to feature Leap.
- This audio is from Buddha Bar.