This is a transcript of the video Talking Words Factory.
(Note that "-" means cut from the Leapster version)
Prologue: Frog Family's House[]
(The scene zooms into the Frog Family's house)
Mr. Frog: And now for my next trick, I shall make a word! (all the cards are stacked together, and Mr. Frog pulls one out) (to Tad) Pick a letter, any letter! (Tad picks up a card)
Tad: (makes the sound of a T) T, T, tapping T!
Mr. Frog: Good! First I'll take this tapping card with the letter, T-t-t-t-t-t-t...t! (He moves the card while making the "t" sound, which makes it tap and then he puts it on a table.) Okay, pick another card! (Tad does so.)
Tad: (he sees the card; screams at it) AAH! (giggles) The A says "ah". (then puts the card on the table)
Mr. Frog: (picks up the D card) Do you know what sound this letter makes?
Tad: (snaps his finger like a cool dude does) That's the letter D, and it says "d-d-d, Daddy-o". (snaps his fingers)
Mr. Frog: Now put the three letter sounds together!
Tad: (thinks) Hmm. (but then puts all the letter sounds together to make:) T-A-D! T-A-D. Tad! (chuckles) That's my name!
Mr. Frog: Right! And if- (Mr. Frog's cell phone rings) Excuse me, son. (over the phone is Mr. Websley)
Mr. Websley: Ooh, I'm not calling too early. But I've been up since the (quacks) quack of dawn! Frog, your Talking Dictionaries are a (quacks) huge success! (opens the Talking Dictionary book)
Talking Dictionary Book: D-U-C-K spells duck! Quack!
Mr. Frog: It’s Mr. Websley.
Mr. Websley: (hugging the book so joyfully) Oh-ho-ho! I love these books! (then holding the book with a demanding look on his face; quacks then clears throat) I'm tripling my order and need them double quack! Delivery by today!
Mr. Frog: (shocked) Today?!
Mr. Websley: (over cellphone) Glad you agree! (screen goes dark and Mr. Frog hangs up the cellphone)
Mr. Frog: (gets sad and hangs up the phone, but then walks up to Tad happily, as Tad has made the cards stack together) Sorry, Tad. I have to go to work. How about we sound out more words later?
Tad: Sure, Dad. (gives Mr. Frog a big hug and a kiss)
Mr. Frog: (walks off-screen) Bye. (opens the door and lets the wind in, blowing all the letter cards away. One was the letter A that screams its sound, and floats down to the remote, which turns on the TV. Tad's playing with his letter cards, as the TV turns on)
Weasel Host: Are you at home right now thinking to yourself, "My dad is the best dad in the whole wide world?"
Tad: Oh yes I am.
Weasel Host: Wouldn't you like everyone to know that your dad is the best dad in the whole wide world?
Tad: You bet!
Weasel Host: Then enter the "My Dad is the Best Dad in the Whole Wide World" contest!
Tad: Okay!
Weasel Host: Just fill out the form in today's newspaper, and send it in by 6 PM, this evening.
(Back at the house, Tad's trying to figure out how to do the Best Dad contest)
Tad: T-A-D. (thinking to himself) Hmm. I know my letters, but making words is (scoffs) a whole lot harder. (The Best Dad contest has some words that Tad answered, that "TAD" are all written on the paper)
(scene changes to outside of the house. Lily is seen swinging on a tire swing, with Tad on the ground next to her)
Tad: Lily, will you help me with this?
(Lily takes the paper from Tad)
Lily: (while swinging on a tire) I can figure out most of the words, but for something this important. We better get Leap.
(scene changes to a basketball hoop, where Leap throws a basketball in it, and the ball spins)
Leap: Well, when I was learning how to read and write, Dad took me to the Talking Words Factory, and taught me all about putting letters together, to make words.
Tad: Yeah, but Dad can't know. Because, well, the contest, it's a surprise.
Leap: Leave it to me! (the basketball lands on his hand)
Chapter 1: Arrival at the Talking Words Factory/Vowels[]
(shows the Talking Words Factory, then Leap, Lily and Tad arrive)
Lily: Here it is!
(The Talking Words Factory's sign letters all start to sing "The Talking Words Factory" all together now)
Sign Letters: (singing) The... Talking... Words... Factory!
(scene changes to inside the factory)
Tad: Whoa. This place is cool.
Lily: If we're lucky, we'll run into Professor Quigley.
(Tad bumps into Professor Quigley)
Tad: Looks like I'm the lucky one.
Professor Quigley: Uh, hi, kids! How are you, kids? Uh, bye, kids... Uh, Sorry, kids. But I've got to take care of a big order!
Tad: You mean the big order for Mr. Websley? The Talking Dikertioneti- the book of words?
Professor Quigley: No, my big order for lunch.
Orange Robot: (arrives with...) One monster dog with everything. (gives it to Professor Quigley)
Professor Quigley: Mmm. (orange robot leaves) Looks good. And Tad, a dictionary is a book that fits all kinds of words, and explains what each word means. (as he eats the monster dog with everything)
Tad: I have this contest to fill in about my dad. But, uh...
Lily: He needs to learn...
Leap: to put letters together to make words.
Professor Quigley: Hey! I can help! In fact, there are some amazing word making machines right here at the Talking Words Factory, all created by an ingenious scientist!
Leap: Wow, who is that?
Professor Quigley: Me! (takes another bite of the monster dog with everything)
Mr. Frog: (off-screen) Professor Quigley!
Tad: It's Dad! Hide!
(Leap, Lily and Tad hide behind Professor Quigley forming a human totem pole)
Mr. Frog: Professor, we need more talking dictionaries for Mr. Websley! And I have to recondonate the zoplex levels in the basement or the entire factory will overload! Can you handle this order by yourself? (Professor Quigley speaks with his mouth full of a monster dog with everything) Thank you, Professor. I'll check in with you at the end of the day.
(On the back of Professor Quigley, we see Leap at the bottom, with Lily and Tad on top, and Mr. Frog leaves)
Professor Quigley: (gulps and gets surprised as he sees the letter clipboard) Ding dangling participles! Triple the order?! Without a crew, I'm like a cement letter in alphabet soup! Sunk!
(Leap tumbles with Lily and Tad)
Leap: Whoa!
Lily: Yikes!
Leap: Aah!
(Leap, Lily and Tad fall down)
Leap: Professor, if you help Tad learn to make words...
Lily: ...we'll help you make words for The Talking Dictionaries!
Professor Quigley: Then let's get cracking! Kids, you'll be building words in no time. Just take a look. (a screen comes down) Building words is easy. First, you need some very special letters called vowels. Of course, you already know these special letters, er, vowels. Can you say the name of each vowel as it appears?
(the A appears on the screen)
Offscreen Kids: A!
Tad: The A says... (makes a horrifying face as it scares the A away)
A: (shrieks) AHHHHH!!!!!
(the letter A disappears and an E appears on the screen)
Offscreen Kids: E!
Tad: The E says... (hears what it will say)
E: Ehhh? (the E disappears, now here comes the I on the screen)
Offscreen Kids: I!
Tad: The I says...
(the ick falls on the letter I as it learns their sound)
I: Ieeh!
(the I disappears and an O appears on the screen)
Offscreen Kids: O!
Tad: The O says... (as he swings from a vine)
O: (says the vowel as it also swings from a vine, as it's like Tarzan) Ohhhhhh!
(the U appears on the screen with an umbrella)
Offscreen Kids: U!
Tad: The U says... (floating with an umbrella)
U: Uuuhhh?
Professor Quigley: Excellent! Vowels are the glue that makes letters stick together. And that, my boy, is the secret to making words! (cut to where Leap, Lily and Tad are following Professor Quigley) You see, kids, when the vowels first come into the factory, they're just like the other letters. But then, we turn it into special sticky letters with... The Sticky-Ick-O-Rama! (cuts to the vowels as they shout)
(Song: Sticky, Icky Letters)
All Vowels: (shouting to hte rhythm)
We're A E I O U
We're the vowels
We will glue to stick the words together
We're very sticky letters
Verse 1:
Honey waterfall
Chorus without the last line
Verse 2:
Peanut butter spread
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3:
Flasco bubble gum
Repeat Chorus without the last line
Movie theater floor soda spray
We're very sticky, very icky, sticky icky letters!
(These vowels all go to a waterfall filled with honey, then the vowels all start singing again, as they get spread with peanut butter . The vowels all start to sing again, as they get popped with Flasco Bubble Gum, and they all get sprayed with some kind of soda spray that has bubbles on it. Then all that stuff on the sticky letters makes them turn red (but stay their regular colors in the Leapster version), so that's why they are very sticky icky letters. These vowels all start to walk, but Professor Quigley picks up the U, leaving A, E, I and O behind)
Professor Quigley: (giggles) Nice and gooey!
Chapter 2: Spelling the Word CAT[]
(Shows Professor Quigley, Leap, Lily and Tad meeting Bammy)
Professor Quigley: Kids, meet the Word Bammer 100! (camera zooms out a bit) Good ol' Bammy! She's been around here for a long time. But I'll tell you something, she still builds words just as well as ever! (turns it on, but realizes something) Uhh...switch broke years ago.
(Bammy turns on, as Leap, Lily, and Tad all see it)
Bammy: Ready, set, you bet!
Professor Quigley: We all have words to build, Bammy!
Bammy: Every letter makes a sound, the sound you need to hear, first the first sound, and then the next, until the word is clear.
Professor Quigley: Yes. Old Bammy here puts letters together to make words.
Tad: Great! Could you help me out with this? I need just the right words. For the contest.
Professor Quigley: Let's see. (as he sees the blank words on the Best Dad Contest that Tad is trying to do) Number one, fill in the blank. My dad is a cool blank.
Tad: (thinks, then gets an idea) Hmm. My dad is a cool... cat.
Professor Quigley: Heh! He sure is. Let's build the word, "CAT". It sounds like one sound, but it's really three sounds all working together. The starting sound, the middle sound, and the ending sound. Tad, do you remember the sounds of these letters? (as he hits the button that makes the letters appear)
Tad: (as he makes the sound of a C which makes him cold, and the A which makes him scream, and finally the sound of the letter T) C-C-C. Ah! T-T-T-T.
Professor Quigley: That's it, Tad. Now, a bit faster.
Tad: (puts them all together to make the word "CAT") C-A-T. C-A-T. CAT?
Professor Quigley: Let's see if it works. (to Bammy on a speaker) Order up, one C-C-C C!
(We cut to the C's in the cold, and one C jumps down a slide onto the table)
Tad: Yep. That's the starting sound in C-A-T.
Professor Quigley: That's right, Tad. Now we have the middle sound. (to the speaker again) Order up, one A! (the A comes out of the vowel, with a robot hand, and Professor Quigley makes the scary sound called "OOGA-OOGA" which makes the A scream) Works every time. (the A gets put onto the table) And now the ending sound in CAT! (Tad dances as he makes the sound of a T) That's right, Tad. Order up, Bammy! One T! (the T comes tapping around and slides down on that table) Let's watch what happens when Bammy bams them together!
(Professor Quigley taps on the thing which makes a hammer appear and the letters all turn blue and go together to make the word:)
C: C-C-C!
A: Ah!
T: T-T-T-T!
Tad: C-A-T. C-A-T. C-A-T! CAT!
Bammy: That's CAT! (the word CAT and a picture of a cat appears)
Tad: Hey. I made a word! (he then writes the word CAT on the paper, as Lily and Leap watch) C-A-T. Thanks, Professor. That's just the right word.
Professor Quigley: And we're going to build just the right words for Websley's Talking Dictionaries.
Chapter 3: More AT words[]
(shows Leap, Lily and Tad)
Leap: For Tad, here's a pat. (pats Tad on the hat)
Lily: You built the word "CAT!"
Tad: And CAT rhymes with HAT.
Lily: And what do you think of that? (laughs)
Professor Quigley: CAT, PAT, HAT? (laughs) That gives me an idea! (goes on the speaker) Bammy, we're going to make all the words that end with AT, like CAT. Please make a batch of AT endings and send them down to Whammy, Bammy!
Bammy: Whatever you say! They're coming your way!
(shows an A and a T go to Bammy and make the AT sound. Then shows a bunch of AT's on the conveyor-belt)
Professor Quigley: (to Leap, Lily and Tad) Come on, follow me! We're going to build all kinds of words!
(Leap, Lily, and Tad follow Professor Quigley to the Word Whammer 3000, then shows all four in the area where it is)
Professor Quigley: Kids, meet the Word Whammer 3000! I call him Whammy for short.
Leap, Lily, and Tad: Wow!
Leap: I bet this thing really cracks him out.
Lily: Yeah.
Leap: Hey, look! Here come the AT's!
(The AT's on a tray all say "AT" while on a conveyor belt that moves)
Professor Quigley: Great! They're here! Now we're going to build lots of words using the same ending.
Tad: Huh?
Professor Quigley: Well, Tad, lots of words sound the same at the end, because they're built the same at the end. Let's take CAT. What word sounds like CAT?
Tad: BAT!
Professor Quigley: CAT... and... BAT! (as he holds the "C" in his hands) Can you hear it? (adds the C in CAT, and the B in BAT, and then does it again and again until he stops) C-A-T... B-A-T... CAT... BAT! They both end in...
Tad: AT!
Professor Quigley: And that's that!
Whammy: Word Builder 3000, ready to run. Building words is lots of fun.
Professor Quigley: Bammy will send us whichever word endings we need. The AT's will arrive first. Now watch this, kids! Let's see, we've got BAT, CAT... aha! Order up one letter F, Whammy!
(A flying F flies into the tube, and onto the conveyor belt.)
Professor Quigley: Bring down the "AT", Whammy!
(The AT arrives to join the F and make the word "FAT.")
Tad: F-F-F. Ah. T-T-T-T. F-AT, FAT!
Professor Quigley: He's got it!
(On the screen that Whammy has, it shows the word FAT with a picture of a fat Professor Quigley.)
Whammy: FAT.
Professor Quigley: (clears throat) Uh, well, now what if we use H to start the word? Order up, letter H, Whammy!
Whammy: Whatever you say. Letter H is on the way.
(The H is too hot, on a summer scene, and it hops into the tube and onto the conveyor belt.)
Professor Quigley: Release another "AT", Whammy!
(Then an AT appears on a tray and on the conveyor belt, which the H hops onto, so together, they make the word "HAT.")
Tad: H-H-H. Ah! T-T-T-T. H-AT, HAT!
(Whammy's screen now shows the word HAT and a picture of a hat.)
Professor Quigley: Great, Tad! That's HAT!
——————————(the scene below this line is cut from the Leapster version)———————
Tad: I can make words!
Professor Quigley: How about the letter M? What sound does it make?
Tad: Mmmm!
Professor Quigley: Order up a letter M, Whammy!
(The M starts to jump, holding a muffin in its hand, then gets sucked into the tube, onto the conveyor belt, and on a tray with an AT, forming the word "MAT.")
Tad: Mmmm! Ah! T-T-T-T! (while holding a muffin) M-AT! MAT!
Whammy: That's... MAT! (He shows the word MAT and a picture of a mat on the screen.)
Professor Quigley: Great, Tad!
——————————(the scene above this line is cut from the Leapster version)———————
Professor Quigley: Yes, you can! And we built lots of great words! (all the words like BAT, FAT, HAT, and MAT all run away, but just FAT and HAT run away in the Leapster version) C-A-T. CAT! What a perfect word for Mr. Websley's dictionary! (the word CAT leaves) Be brave. You're off to become part of the Talking Dictionary. (but then, his smile begins to turn into a sad face, but he blows his nose loudly with his tissue)
Lily: What's wrong, Professor?
Professor Quigley: I miss my CAT.
(Suddenly, they hear a meow)
(Leap, Lily, and Tad all laugh)
(The music starts up, and Professor Quigley dances to the music)
(Song: Word Building Conga)
Professor Quigley: First you take the start, C, then you add the end, AT. C-AT! Cat! Now you've got a word!
(So do Leap, Lily, and Tad)
Chorus: First you take the C, then you add the AT. Put them all together...
Professor Quigley: Now you've got CAT!
Chorus: First you take the B, then you add the AT. Put them all together...
Professor Quigley: Now you've got BAT!
(song raises the pitch from Eb to F)
Chorus: First you take the F, then you add the AT. Put them all together...
Tad: Now you've got FAT!
Chorus: First you take the H, then you add the AT. Put them all together...
Tad: (as he holds his cap) Now you've got HAT!
(song raises the pitch from F to G, but lowered from F to E in the Leapster version)
Whammy: (as the letters Z, A and T appear on the screen) First you take the Z, then you add the AT. Put them all you've got ZAT!
(The conveyor belt and the song stop, and the AT's on a tray all stop and get curious on how it stopped)
Professor Quigley: HOLD IT, HOLD IT! (a skid sound is heard) ZAT'S NOT A WORD!
Whammy: Z-A-T. Can't you see? I used an AT, and that makes ZAT.
Professor Quigley: ZAT's not okay.
Whammy: Not okay? Why, I say?
Professor Quigley: Some letters make AT words and others do not.
Leap: And only real words make it into the dictionary.
Professor Quigley: That's right, Leap. That's how we build words for the dictionary. And we're just getting started!
Chapter 4: Making ET words and spelling the word BIG[]
—————————(the scene below this line is cut from the Leapster version)————————
(scene shows Professor Quigley using the Whammy, which he calls it, while Leap, Lily, and Tad all watch)
Tad: Building words is fun, and I need some more words for my form. What's the next one, Lily?
Lily: My dad is the best dad I've ever blank.
Tad: Hmm. Met. Met!
Professor Quigley: Correct! Hey, let's build "ET" words! We'll start with the word, MET! Whammy, send me an M, please!
Whammy: An M for you, and you, and you.
(The M jumps, holding a muffin in its hand, then it gets sucked into the tube, and onto the conveyor belt. Lily and Tad seem surprised.)
Professor Quigley: Whammy, order up E letters and T letters!
Whammy: Order up, E and T. Here they come, look and see!
(the E comes out of the Vowel sound, and the T comes tapping in the tube. Cut to Professor, asking Tad what the E says.)
Professor Quigley: What does the E say?
Tad: Eh?
Professor Quigley: What does the E say??
Tad: Eh??? (giggles) Mmmm. Eh? T-T-T-T. (takes out his "Best Dad Contest" paper and writes "MET") M-E-T. MET!
Professor Quigley: See how useful these words are? And if we order up a J, Whammy?
Whammy: Hey, hey, hey! Letter J!
(The J's all jump on a trampoline, and the first J jumps, on the tube and onto the conveyor belt)
J: J... J... J!
E: Eh?
T: T-T-T-T!
Tad: J-E-T... J-E-T... J-E-T! JET!
Professor Quigley: Exactly!
Tad: JET sounds like PET. Try it with the letter P!
(The P pops out with popcorn and lands on a tray with the "ET")
Tad: Cool! P-E-T! PET!
Professor Quigley: Right again! Pet! P-E-T. Jet! J-E-T. Same ending sound, different first letter! What else rhymes with ET?
Lily: Get...set...let!
(Song: Word Building Conga (Reprise))
Professor Quigley: First you take the G, then you add the ET. Put them all together...
Tad: Now you've got GET!
Professor Quigley: First you take the S, then you add the ET. Put them all together..
Tad: Now you've got SET!
(song raises the pitch from F to G)
Tad: First you take the L, then you add the ET. Put them all together... Now you've got LET!
Professor Quigley: Great work, Tad!
—————————(the scene above this line is cut from the Leapster version)————————
Leap: (as he walks in) What a great machine, Professor!
Professor Quigley: Of course! And there's yet another wonderful thing about the Word Whammer. It's terrific for cracking nuts! (Professor Quigley tries one) Mmm. Needs salt.
Leap: What other words do you think you need, Tad?
Tad: Well, something about Dad's heart.
Lily: My dad's heart is very, blank.
Tad: Big!
Professor Quigley: BIG, BIG, BIG! Let's build some words that end with "IG"! Just sound one out, and tell Whammy what letters you want!
Tad: Okay, BIG. Buh-buh-buh-buh, buh, B. Ieeh-ieeh, I. Guh-guh, G!
Professor Quigley: Order up, letter B, Whammy!
(The B's all sing the sound about B, (Beethoven's Symphony No. 5) and one B jumps into the tube while making the B sound. Professor Quigley is wearing a gray wig, while wearing this type of clothing he uses in the orchestra band, and the B is still in the tube)
Professor Quigley: (takes off his costume) Now let's add an IG ending!
Tad: B-I-G. BIG!
Whammy: You are right! See the light?
Tad: (as he writes the word "BIG" on the Best Dad Contest paper) B-I-G. BIG!
Professor Quigley: Way to go, Tad! You're almost finished!
Whammy: Better hurry, I'll tell you why. Mr. Websley... is dropping by.
Professor Quigley: Uh-oh! Hopping homonyms!
(Professor Quigley sees the words that are trapped in the conveyor belt, and they get back together while the Professor gets on the conveyor belt)
Professor Quigley: Oo-wee, ha! Kids, please keep making words! Leap, you're in charge! Lily, help Tad with his application! (as "application" is heard, he is still on a conveyor belt)
Lily: Uh-oh! Now what are we gonna do?!
Leap: I'll TELL you what we're gonna do. We're gonna build more words. Professor Quigley's counting on us! There are words to build, dictionaries to fill and we're the ones for the job!
Chapter 5: Spelling the words PIG and POP[]
(scene shows Lily and Tad)
Tad: Ready to build, sir!
Leap: (looks at form) Okay, let's see. What rhymes with "BIG"?
Lily: (giggles) PIG!
Tad: (giggles too) BIG PIG!
Lily: Uh, Whammy? (using the speaker) Order up! One P, and another IG, please!
Whammy: A letter P is coming through, and a new IG will follow too!
(The P and the IG all get on the tray)
P: Puh!
I: Ieeh!
G: Guh!
Tad: P-P-P-IG! P-I-G! PIG!
(the letters P, I and G appear on the screen, followed by a picture of a pig)
Lily: P-I-G. PIG! You did it, Tad!
Tad: Bye-bye, piggy! (the P and the IG all go on the conveyor belt and say "oink")
Lily and Tad: Oink, oink! (giggles)
Lily: Uh, what should we do next?
Tad: Should we build more IGs?
Lily: (takes the Best Dad Contest Paper and reads it. Leap watches Lily read) If there's one guy who's at the top, then that guy must be my blank!
Tad: (thinks for a moment) TOP, HOP, MOP, POP!
Leap: POP is right! Order up, please! (to Whammy's speaker, he makes the sound of the letter P, the letter O, and the second letter P) P-P, P, aw, O, P-P, P!
Whammy: Order up, P-O-P. Here they come, look and see! (the three letters appear and spell the word)
P: Puh!
O: Aww!
P: Puh!
Tad: POP!
(the screen shows the word POP and a picture of Mr. Frog)
Whammy: POP is correct!
Leap: You did it, Tad!
Lily: Right here!
(Tad writes POP right here on the blank line)
Tad: P-O-P. POP!
Chapter 6: Super-Speed[]
(scene shows Tad and Lily on the Whammy thing, and Leap and the words on the floor, with the word "MAT" on the conveyor belt.)
Leap: Wow, look at all the words! Wait until Professor Quigley sees what we've done! But I think we could do more! Come on! (However, he accidentally hits the lever with his right hand which makes it go super speedy.)
Leap: Oops.
(Lily jumps down, and tries to pull the lever to make it stop, but then lands on the floor, breaking the lever)
Lily: Double oops!
Tad: Uh-oh! (jumps onto the floor and uses the Whammy to make it stop, though it keeps going super speedy)
Whammy: Warning, warning, super speed, words are coming, all you need!
(More words come, starting with the word IN.)
Offscreen Man: I-N. IN.
Offscreen Kids: P-IN, PIN! F-IN, FIN! T-IN, TIN! W-IN, WIN!
(Professor Quigley jumps as he sees what's going on with the Whammy)
Professor Quigley: Leaping linguistics!!
Offscreen Kids: J-ET, JET! J-UG, JUG! R-UG, RUG! R-IG, RIG! F-IG, FIG! F-AN, FAN! M-AN, MAN!
Professor Quigley: THE MACHINE HAS GONE MAD!!!!
Offscreen Kids: M-AD, MAD! M-AD, MAD! M-AD, MAD! M-AD, MAD!
(a tube sucks up Tad)
Tad: (screams) COOOOOL!!! (he then lands on the conveyor-belt) T-A-D... (as the hand makes the word) ...spells TAD!
Leap: Good one, Tad!
(the conveyor-belt moves, but Tad gets bounced and flying off the conveyor-belt, because some letters blocked the way in)
Tad: Whoa!
(Professor Quigley's arm pops out and pushes a button, which makes the conveyor-belt stop)
Professor Quigley: (pops out) Hey! More words for the dictionaries! Thanks, kids!
Chapter 7: Making UN words and the ST blend[]
(shows Tad jumping out of the words, and Leap and Lily look surprised)
Tad: This is fun!
————————(the scene below this line is cut from the Leapster version)————————
Professor Quigley: FUN, FUN! FUN's a great word, and what I need for the Talking Dictionaries!
Tad: That's a word I can use too!
Professor Quigley: Ha-ha! Good! Let's build it.
Tad: Whammy, I need FF-FF, F, and Uh, Uh, U, and NN, N.
Whammy: Ordering letters, F-U-N! Here they come, are you ready then?
(The letter F starts to hop on the conveyor belt, and on a tray with the UN family which makes the word FUN.)
F: FF, FF, FF, FF, FF.
U: Uh.
N: NN.
Tad: F-U-N!
Offscreen Kids: FUN!
(Tad uses his Best Dad Contest by using the paper while Lily reads the paper)
Lily: It says "My dad is always lots of..." (looks at Tad with a cute look on her face)
Tad: FUN! (then he writes "FUN" on that Best Dad Contest paper) F-U-N! FUN!
Professor Quigley: Order up, Whammy! All the words we need ending with UN, like in FUN! Is the hopper loaded with UN's?
Whammy: Ordering words that end with UN! I will get you everyone!
(The UN words appear like RUN, BUN, and SUN)
Offscreen Kids: R-UN, RUN! B-UN, BUN! S-UN, SUN!
——————————(the scene above this line is cut from the Leapster version)————————
Lily: With all these words, we'll be done with the Talking Dictionary in a flash!
Tad: (shows Professor Quigley his form) Hey, Professor. I need one more word for this form, but it won't fit.
Professor Quigley: Why not? What word do you need, my boy? We can make any word here.
Tad: Well, for this question...
(Leap, Lily and Tad look at the Best Dad Contest paper)
Lily: My dad is the blank dad in the whole wide world!
Tad: I want to write best, but I can't figure it out...
Professor Quigley: BEST? BEST?! Why, my boy, do you know what you need? You need to put two letters in the place of one!
Tad: Exactly, but...
(Professor runs off with the letters, S, and a T)
Professor Quigley: To blend letters together, we get to go to my very favorite part of the factory!
(scene switches to Leap, Lily and Tad following Professor Quigley, upstairs. Leap stands on the blue block with the T, Tad stands on the yellow block, Lily stands on the green block with the S, and Professor Quigley stands on the red block)
Professor Quigley: Heh-ha! Now hang on!
(Professor Quigley uses the rope and then along with Leap, Lily, Tad, and the letters S and T, all go into the slide)
Leap, Lily, and Tad: YAHOO! YIPPEE!
Professor Quigley: Kids, welcome to the sound slide! This is where letters are blended together, and to even more sound, so they can make even more words!
(Professor Quigley jumps off the slide and Tad lands in Professor Quigley's hands)
Tad: What do you mean, Professor?
Professor Quigley: Well, Tad, let's see you were making the word STOP. STOP rhymes with what?
Tad: POP!
(Professor Quigley uses the Frog Remote so that the screen shows up. It adds POP and STOP, and does it again, and again)
Tad: POP. STOP. POP, STOP. P-OP, ST-OP. ST-OP! So we need ST and OP!
Professor Quigley: Right! Watch this! Look! There's Lily with the slithering letter S! It just says...
(Lily slides down with the slithering letter S on a new slide while making the S sound)
Professor Quigley: And Leap, with the tapping letter T. It just says...
(Leap slides down with the tapping letter T, while it makes the T sound)
Professor Quigley: Listen what happens when we put those two letters together!
(Leap and Lily go down two slides, while the letters S and T go on two different slides)
Professor Quigley: No, it's okay! Watch this!
(the S makes the S sound while sliding down, and the T makes the T sound while sliding down too. This repeats one more time, and then together, they make the blend ST, and they land on a pillow while they stick together)
(Professor Quigley and Tad all slide down)
Professor Quigley: Bravo! Now the two letters S and T are a beautiful blend! You can still hear their two sounds. Listen.
(ST makes the sound)
Professor Quigley: Great! Now let's take them back to Whammy!
(Leap uses the cart, while Lily, Tad, and Professor Quigley run back to Whammy)
Chapter 8: More about blends[]
(scene shows Professor Quigley, Leap, Lily, and Tad at Whammy)
Professor Quigley: Whammy, let me have one of those OP's, please.
Whammy: About to drop! Here's your OP!
(the OP drops on the tray, and the ST hops on the tray)
Professor Quigley: Okay, Tad. Sound it out.
Tad: ST-OP... ST-OP. (they put them all together to make:) STOP!!!! (..which makes all the machines in the factory come to a stop)
Professor Quigley: Yeah, uh, uh, false alarm! Everyone, uh, back to work! (the machines start up again)
(Leap, Lily, and Tad all follow Professor Quigley to another area of the factory)
Tad: What other blends are there, Professor?
Professor Quigley: Well, Tad, there are a lot of blends. (brings the screen down again) You can hear some at the start of the word like in ST-OP, or ST-EP, or the blend can come at the end, like in the word you need. BEST.
Tad: B-E-S-T. B-E-ST. BEST. That's it! (takes out his Best Dad Contest paper and writes BEST) B-E, and the blend ST.
(Professor Quigley interrupts Tad on his writing)
Professor Quigley: Buh-ha! Let me tell you, Tad!
(Professor Quigley turns into a singer wearing a yellow suit and helmet)
(Song: Blends Rock)
Professor Quigley: (singing) You can use a blend at the start or at the end. There's really nothing to it. Let me show you how to do it! (stands near the word STOP) If you take the word TOP, you can change it into STOP, with the blend ST. ST, STOP. (stands near Tad and the screen) If you take the word FOG, you can change it into FROG, with the blend FR. FR, FROG. (stands near a conveyor-belt) If you take the word CAP, you can change it into CLAP, with the blend CL. CL, CLAP. (shows Leap, Lily and Tad holding the word VEST) If you take the word VET, you can change it into VEST, with the blend ST. ST, VEST. (shows Professor Quigley under the word BLEND) A blend is your friend. And there's lots and lots of blends. Try a BL-E-ND. BLEND!
(the spotlight goes out, leaving the word BLEND and a shadow)
Final Chapter: Finale[]
(scene shows Leap, Lily, Tad, and Professor Quigley, with Professor Quigley holding Tad's form)
Professor Quigley: And now that we've built all these words, they can all be put into Websley's dictionaries!
Tad: Thanks for all your help, Professor. I have to get going. My application is due and I'm all finished.
Professor Quigley: Great, Tad! Allow me to mail it off for you!
Tad: Thanks.
(Professor Quigley has the mail in his hand, but then a tube blows it away, along with his watch)
Leap: Cool invention, Professor!
Professor Quigley: I think it needs more time.
Mr. Frog: Well, that's done. Anything happen here while I was...
(Mr. Frog walks by but stops as he sees Leap, Lily, Tad, and Professor Quigley)
Mr. Frog: Leap, Lily, Tad? What are you doing here?
Leap: Well, Dad, we, uh, we wanted to surprise you but, uh...
Weasel Host: (arrives) Excuse me. Mr. Frog? Dad of Tad?
Mr. Frog: Yes, that's me. May I help you?
Weasel Host: Congratulations, Mr. Frog! You are the grand prize winner of the "My Dad is the Best Dad in the Whole Wide World" contest!
(the weasel host runs off, leaving Mr. Frog confused)
Mr. Frog: Huh?
Weasel Host: And to be here to share your toy all the way from your house, all expenses payed by us... here is Mrs. Frog!
Mrs. Frog: (runs to give Mr. Frog (her husband) a big hug) Oh, darling! Congratulations!
(Leap, Tad, and Lily join in as well)
Weasel Host: (laughs) Yes, Mr. Frog! You are the grand prize winner! And it's all because of this! (reveals the form Tad filled out) A terrific entry form sent in by your son, Tad! He chose just the right words!
Tad: I did fill it in myself.
Weasel Host: (laughs) You are a remarkably young lad, Tad!
Leap: He sure is. What do you say, little brother?
—————————(the scene below this line is cut from the Leapster version)————————
Tad: (sings) First I learned my letters... every one from A to Z...
(Mr. Websley arrives)
Mr. Websley: (quacks) Hold it! What's going on here? Have you all (quacks) quacked up? Where's my big order?!
Professor Quigley: Right here, Mr. Websley! (comes in with a truckload of Mr. Websley's Talking Dictionary Books) With my special working crew of helpers, it was a snap! (snaps his fingers but tips the dictionary books over Mr. Websley until Mr. Websley pops out)
Talking Dictionary Book: D-U-C-K spells duck! Quack!
Mr. Websley: Oh, great! I do love these things! (quacks)
Professor Quigley: Now Tad, um, you were saying?
—————————(the scene above this line is cut from the Leapster version)————————
(Song: I Can Do It!)
Tad: (sings) First I learned my letters... every one from A to Z... (slides down the A) But when I tried to make some words, it was mixed up as can be. Then I asked my (Leap appears on top of the A) brother and my (Lily appears on the Z) sister what to do. (shows Professor Quigley in the room where Whammy is) Professor Quigley showed me, now I'll sing it all for you. (shows a letter A that's sticky) Take a vowel that can stick words together, like an A that says "ah"! (Tad adds a T) Add a sound at the beginning, (Leap adds a D) and one at the end...T, A, D, makes T-A-D, TAD! I can put a new sound at the beginning, (the letter T leaves and a D takes it's place) with a D that says "d", I can make the word DAD! Blend some sounds together like a G, L, G-L! And I'm so glad that my dad is my dad! I can do it! I can make my own words, (writes on the contest paper) I can spell out the words I've heard. (jumps on Leap, Lily and Professor Quigley) It's really not as hard as I thought it would be, (slides down the title card) and I learned it all here in the Talking Words Factory! (lands on the floor) Oh yeah!
(the video ends with an iris out on Tad and the title card, then the credits, the Porchlight Entertainment logo and the LeapFrog logo, but in the Leapster version, after irising out on Tad and the title card, the Leapster either goes back to the main menu or automatically powers off)